How should I get started?

To get started immediately with the chatbot, go here.

What are some example use cases?

DryMerge is powered by a natural-language configured workflow engine, which means it can do a lot. We’ve found most interest in the following use cases…

1. Automated API Integrations for your Customers

Let your customers integrate their tools with your product however they want, simply by asking our LLM.

  • Example: Your customer wants to use your data processing product to analyze new rows added to their Excel sheet and then send summary emails to their team. Instead of asking you to build the custom triggers and other integrations with Excel and Gmail, they talk to a DryMerge chatbot embedded in your site, which creates the integrations on top of your product without any code changes on your end.

2. Automated Internal Workflows

Automate frustrating internal processes like lead routing, data cleaning, etc.

  • Example: You need to manually monitor your customer service email and add new requests to Zendesk. Instead of writing a script that might take hours of time (or asking your devs to write a script if you’re nontechnical), you ask the DryMerge chatbot to create a new Zendesk ticket whenever a customer support email is received. It gets it done in seconds.

To get started with one or more of these use cases, check out the End Products page. If you have a different use case in mind, feel free to contact us to discuss more. Alternatively, check the Engine Reference if you’re technical and want to play around with the DryMerge engine self-serve.

How Does It Work?

DryMerge sandboxes workflows by defining them in a custom YAML format. LLMs convert natural language into YAML, which is then deployed to the DryMerge engine. The engine handles triggers, scheduling, retries, and observability, and can be deployed on-prem or in the cloud.

1. Declarative Configuration with LLMs

  • What It Means: A few lines of YAML defines your workflow or integration.
  • Why It Matters: Large Language Models (LLMs) can efficiently handle the writing, letting your customers and team focus on the high level idea of their feature requests.

2. Managed Runtime Engine with Triggers, Scheduling, Retries, and Observability

  • What It Means: DryMerge’s engine deploys your YAML configuration and takes care of every aspect of maintaining production-level workflows.
  • Why It Matters: You get enterprise-grade reliability and insights without the headache of building the software yourself. A drop in replacement for developer time.

Let’s get started.